amazing results

"Working with Amber is actual magic! She deep dives into your business’ essence and translates it into amazing marketing campaigns. She’s not just the best at what she does but also knows how to brighten your day as soon as she greets you!"

– Client: Mariana Treviño Guajardo, creative lead

Conversion Optimization Results Icon Light

success stats

Results for an Online Estate Planning Service

During the course of 6 months working together, my tests resulted in wins worth over $2M per year for this client!

Compare page increase in conversions by 46%
increase in purchases
0 %

Worth $335,551 more in revenue per year!

My client had a product suite with many legal nuances and terms users did not fully understand. In order to help users better comprehend their product offerings and benefits, I created an informational expandable section. By offering users the extra information they needed to convert, my test variation won with a 46% lift in purchases. We are we are 93% positive that this lift is a direct result of the test variation. Should this value remain the same, implementing the new variation will result in $335,551 more in purchase revenue per year.

3 Reasons Why – Benefits text that increased conversions
increase in purchases
0 %

Worth $835,433 more in revenue per year!

My client’s premium product page was informational but dry. In order to increase desire, I added three benefits blurbs at the top of the page. This extra sales copy was a win for users – the test variation saw a 28% lift in conversions. We are 94% positive that this lift is a direct result of the test variation. Should this value remain the same, implementing the new variation will result in $835,433 more in purchase revenue per year. Extra bonus: I taught this client how to calculate test win values, empowering them to demonstrate CRO program ROI.

I've worked with Amber several times in my career and each time has been even more delightful than the previous one, she's committed and experienced, she knows her craft like few people do. Her skills completed the growth team in a very productive way, would definitely work with her again.
Ignacio Alvarez 1st degree connection1st Co-founder & CEO @ Moneypool, for client testimonial great results Amber Makes Magic
Ignacio Alvarez
Co-founder & CEO @ Moneypool

success stats

Results for an Online Simulation Product

more customers
0 %

Over the course of two years this Simulation company’s user base has grown by 68% with no marketing nor sales team changes beyond my CRO work. Major improvements included creating an all-new website for them. I  personally performed all design, copywriting and dev work including a migration from Wix to WordPress. New conversion features include deeper product description copy and a heavy focus on social proof to build trust. Another big marketing win came when I redefined their email marketing strategy and created new templates that increased clickthrough rates by 355%!

27% more product page visits
clickthrough rate increase
0 %

Through Voice of Customer Interviews I helped this Simulation company create a compelling value proposition plus reasons to believe. I updated the website messaging with this new selling copy and added credibility through a client logo carousel and testimonials. These simple changes resulted in 27% more clicks to their featured product page. Due to small traffic numbers final conversion purchase numbers were calculated manually with an estimated 25 to 45% more final purchases.
See testimonial below…

Amber’s approach to Digital Marketing and her overall vision of marketing strategy and tactics almost immediately increased conversions for our business. Amber gained a deep and vivid understanding of customers, the industry, and my company goals that led to a much more streamlined and interactive customer journey process. Sales calls became immediately more productive with customers entering the call having far more knowledge of the benefits of our software than before. This immediately led to an increase in conversions by 25% to 45%! I highly recommend Amber’s services"
Joe Headshot
Joe Jaeger
President/CEO at Statecraft Simulations

success stats

Results for a Mexican Fintech App

About page testimonial for conversion optimization consulting services client results
0 %

Using insights from user research, I worked with the client’s creative + dev teams to implement a suite of optimizations for their “About” app landing page. Improvements included adding a CTA button in the hero section, updating copy to reflect top product benefits and adding + elevating testimonials to create desire. The result was a 119% conversion rate increase at 91% confidence for the client’s most-desired performance metric: payments received.  

Email marketing campaign screenshot for conversion optimization consulting services by Amber Cummings
0 %

Client had an existing 3-email welcome series received when users first joined their app. After conducting user interviews to better understand customer motivation, I created a new messaging strategy including a strong value proposition + benefits statements. I tested the new messaging with a 4-email welcome series. The optimized email series outperformed the original with a 12% open rate increase and an impressive 177% clickthrough rate increase at 100% statistical significance.

Amber is the best! She led us through a conversion optimization training that taught me incredibly valuable things. The best part was that we got to put everything we learned in her training into actual practice. I worked together with her in various design projects and all of them turned out great. It was really a pleasure having her on our growth team and I would 100% recommend her to anyone looking for help with CRO.
Paola Rhon testimonial for Amber Makes Magic Conversion Optimization Services
Paola Rhon
Design Lead @ Moneypool

success stats

Results for Education Lead Generation Clients

Steps to Form Pages Increased CR by 96%
Increase in Revenue
1 %

After a series of User Tests, I discovered users were confused by the length of a 4-step form flow. Adding progress indicators to the form pages to show users their location in the process increased conversion rates overall by 96% and revenue by 105%. There was a 233% improvement in users completing steps three to four. In a subsequent test I was able to increase CR by an additional 78% with design changes further enhancing clarity. 

EDU180 form improvement increases CR by 95%
Conversion Rate Increase
1 %

In a round of three subsequent tests I worked with the creative team to optimize a full-funnel 5-step landing page flow. The perfect combo of friendly color scheme, UX improvements and the right amount of copy including relevant benefit statements increased the page performance by 95%! In one of the tests we saw a 32% increase in CR by adding a relevant CTA link that offering users more information at the correct point in the journey.

Allied Health Screenshot - 100%+ Improvement
Overall improvement
1 %+

After a year of optimization and over 30 tests, top landing pages converted 200% better and the company’s paid media campaign profitability more than doubled. These conversion boosts allowed the media team to bid on new keywords and exponentially expand marketing efforts.

Thank You Page UpSell
more organic leads
1 x

As part of a full-funnel optimization project I added a new geo-targeted upsell offer to a “request info” thank-you page . The additional offer created a new conversion opportunity + increased leads to small under-served local campuses. The page generated six times more organic leads for the site; a $1.10 increase in revenue per user that translated to $10k in new revenue per month.

"Amber put together an A/B testing program that allowed us to experiment with form flows and design, which led to learnings that were invaluable for future projects. These learnings allowed us to improve our offerings and seriously increase conversions."
Testimonial Image - Angelee
Angelee Field
Strategist at Levi Strauss & Co.

Want to work together? Let's talk >

success stats

Results for an Experiential Gifting Company

Cloud9 Experiential Gift Company Homepage screenshot
roi increase for ad spend yoy
1 %

In partnership with the agency Digital Decoder, we ran nine tests for this Experiential Gifting client over the course of a year ranging from full site section re-designs to messaging tweaks. During that time we rolled out six successful optimization wins to their mobile site + six successful improvements to the desktop site.  Their year-end result was a 13% increase in company revenue and a 38% increase in Return on Investment (ROI) for their advertising spend compared to the previous year!

Conversion Rate Increase
1 %

Voice of Customer Interviews + User Testing revealed that this client’s return and exchange policies were a major component of their value proposition. However, users were largely unaware of the policies. By making them more prominent, available in multiple places on the site and explaining them in more detail we increased the conversion rate for the entire website by 13% and revenue per visitor by 20%.

"Amber has been an invaluable asset to our conversion optimization work. She’s creative, rigorous, and the results we (and our clients) saw from her work were stunning! Double-digit lifts were common. Beyond that, Amber is a joy to work with — she’s organized, proactive, and somehow manages to keep things fun along the way. I recommend Amber without reservation."
Ben Testimonial Image
Ben Wills
Founder & CEO at Decoder Digital

success stats

University Website

Tuition Test Screenshot - 39% CR Improvement
Conversion Rate Increase
1 %

Voice of Customer Interviews + User Testing revealed students were searching for program pricing when doing College research. Adding tuition information increased conversion rates for “request information” leads by an average of 26% across  four program pages.  On the Nursing Program page, the client’s largest campaign, conversion rate increased by 39% at 99% confidence.

Water Park Website

Water Park client experiences 26% increase in purchases
Conversion Rate Increase
1 %

A conversion audit and heatmap analysis of this Water Park website revealed performance inhibitors such as a fuzzy value proposition, lack of clarity, competing CTAs and confusing information hierarchy. I simplified CTAs and rewrote headlines plus description copy to reduce confusion. In order to increase desire I added photos and urgency messaging. As a result, this client now has 33% more add to cart clicks and 26% more ticket purchases on their booking pages.

Increasing Font Size for University of Phoenix
Conversion Rate Increase
1 %

Voice of Customer Interviews + User Testing revealed students were searching for program pricing when doing College research. Adding tuition information increased conversion rates for “request information” leads by an average of 26% across  four program pages.  On the Nursing Program page, the client’s largest campaign, conversion rate increased by 39% at 99% confidence.

Increasing Font Size for University of Phoenix
More revenue
1 %

In order to better serve a user base of middle-aged females I increased the font size on the page for nearly all elements: from navigation to body copy. The result was a 30% improvement in Conversion Rate, 33% more revenue for the campaign and increased user engagement.

"Amber brings passion and dedication to everything she does professionally. She's great at handling new projects in which she has to come up with a plan from start to finish, and manages to keep everyone on the team motivated and focused to deliver great results."
Testimonial Image - Alex
Alex Limeres
CEO at Swarmsales; Former CEO & Founder Lead-To-Realty

Ready for marketing magic?